Talk Box Great Links

Here are some cool links related to talk boxes, vocal tracts and speech.

Peter Frampton explains how the talk box works.

It's not at all unusual for doctors to thread a flexible scope into your nose and down your throat to observe the vocal folds.

In this video you can see vocal folds of four singers.

Here's a museum exhibit that artificially replaces lungs, vocal folds and vocal tract similarly to the was I did it with cut bottles.

And here is an explanation of the exhibit with pictures of vocal tracts.

Here is a robot vocal tract.

Ever heard of  throat singing?

This is a video about a Tuvan throat singers, who can sing more than one note at a time.

Sometimes vocal folds have to be removed because of cancer of other things. Then there are various strategies to facilitate communication.

This person uses a jaw-harp to create the speech vibrations instead of a talk box.

Wikepedia explanation of a talk box.

Here are some great talk box performances Stevie Wonder, Peter Frampton

This person, Meara O'Reilly, is an artist/scientist doing amazing creative things with sound.
Here is some research taking off from Alexander Graham Bell's work with "visible speech".
This video will take your breath away.
In her ethereal music, she doesn't only play instruments, she doesn't only make instruments, she invents instruments!

Here are some amazing videos relating to reeds and sound that Tony Carl found.

What American English sounds like to non-English speakers, a satire, starts about 40 seconds in. It's gibberish designed to sound like American English.