There's been a change...
The Physics Factory is not-for-profit education organization that was founded 10 years ago by inspired scientists and educators at the University of Arizona. After several years of building the organization, one of the founders, Erik Herman, took a position at Cornell University in Ithaca, New York. Now Erik has created a Physics Bus, drawing on his successful experience with the Physics Factory Physics Bus in Arizona.
There's been a recent change. For more than a decade all money from sales went directly (through PayPal) to the Physics Factory (Ithaca branch), a scrappy, mostly volunteer non-profit science education organization that supports Physics Bus and the Free Science Workshop. Starting July 2024 that is no longer the case--for a positive reason, I think. Now money is going to buying parts for equipment with the goal of increasing efficiency and scaling up production.
For example, I have to cut enormous blocks of EPS foam into smaller billets, by hand on an old door made into a table. It's very labor intensive and frustrating because it's not always as accurate as I'd like. I am ordering parts to make a giant CNC for that. Also, although I already cut the thin slices of foam on a homemade CNC, I'm gearing up for the next iteration that will be able to slice thousands of sheets per day.
I think this will allow me to lower prices. I've never advertised. Either people happen upon my website or discover it through word of mouth. With lower prices and scaled-up production—in conjunction with much more user-friendly instructions and designs—I think many more young people will be able to experience this beautiful hands-on flying science project.
All of this is probably an 18 month or 2 year project, but now you know what your money is doing when you buy ScienceToyMaker products. Thank you!

Friends of Suchana
Now we are adding an international component. The Physics Factory has made a grant for science education to the Friends of Suchana. for science education in Birbhum District in West Bengal, India, where less than 20% of the mothers went to school even for a day. Kirsty Milward--who lives there with her family--was kind enough to send some pictures from their latest Science Mela (Fair), below. She also sent these video of sciencetoymaker projects: hand and water prism.

We are also sending science toys/projects/exhibits directly to communities, including an effort to promote science education in South Sudan. All proceeds of foam and glider sales go directly to the Physics Factory and Physics Bus. Because most of the work of the Physics Factory is by volunteers, it's a very efficient way to promote science education.