I like to get feedback...
Getting any sort of feedback so I can pass on good ideas and make instructions better means a lot to me. I answer all e-mails (except for inquiries about selling space on my site for advertisements, and people wanting to exchange links whose sites have nothing to do with making science toys).
My e-mail address is:
sciencetoymaker AT gmail.com
replace the AT with @, no spaces. This is to elude spam bots, and it seems to work. I've had this address for several years and many thousands of e-mails--and no spam so far!
You can also reach me by telephone. I do not live in New York City, but it is the same time zone.
My mailing address is
Slater Harrison
209 Edler Rd
Williamsport, PA 17701
Best wishes,
Slater Harrison, aka SciencetoyMaker