Thank you for your order!

Thank you for your order! Thank you, too, for recognizing the value of hands-on science projects and spreading them throughout the world.

We send most orders the next business day, but it can take as long as 4 days if there is out-of-town travel, severe weather (we live on a mountain, outside of town) or other rare issue. I will alert you by e-mail when we mail it. Contact me, Slater if you are in a rush and we'll try to hurry it up.

If you got walkalong gliders...

Also, when you have gone through the instructions and practiced, contact me by e-mail or phone if you get stuck. I struggled when learning to fly because I did not have a feel for it and there was nobody to notice and correct me. When you are on your own, it's more difficult to get started. If you observe exactly what is happening and tell me by e-mail or phone, I am happy to try to help figure out what's not working. That process also helps me know where people are having trouble and make the instructions better.

While you are waiting for your order, you can practice with a rotating paper glider. It is no cost and easy to make; difficult to launch and fly, but excellent practice. I have heard from many people that foam gliders were easy after they struggled with the paper ones. Dihedral Magnus Effect Walkalong Gliders are here.

When you get the hang of it, air-surfing is as easy as riding a bicycle. Once you work through the frustration of learning to fly, you will be levitating gliders as if by magic!

And if you are teaching other people how to fly, here are some hard-learned tips: Teaching groups to fly.

If you got Dragonfly Helicopters...

Again, feel free to contact me with any questions or any problems. These are a new project and feedback helps me to know what is clear and what needs better instructions.