Gordon Pollock

Thanks to Bill Hannan and David Aronstein for discovering the work of Gordon Pollock, who sold a cool walkalong glider called the WonderWing in the 1980s. Gordon told me that he made the gliders from indoor balsa wood and condenser paper, both of which are very lightweight. As you can see from the illustration below, the front weight of the glider also acted as a canard. I've tried that on the foam gliders and it greatly inproves the pitch stability. The canard in front of the wing is set at more of a slant (higher angle of attack). So the canard stalls before the wing. With less lift from the canard, the wing pitches down before stalling. It's really fun to see the theory actually work in practice.

Gordon sent some pictures of some old Wonder Wings--well crafted and huge! (Click to enlarge.)

Here is a video play list of Gordon flying a Wonder Wing in 2017.
Video 1: Notice that it almost seems like the glider is flying backwards. But--just like the Wright Brother's first plane--the canard is in front.
Video 2: Gordon flying a small Wonder Wing with a board.
Video 3: The WonderWing Flies again!

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