30 Ready-to-Fly Jagwing (10kg/㎥ foam)
Price and Shipping
U.S. customers: $21 USD + $5 flat-rate shipping
(even for multiple orders gliders, which are sent in a single box).
International customers: $21 USD + and please contact me for shipping cost.
I will need a postal address to find out the price.
By default we use the least expensive shipping method and IT CAN TAKE UP TO A MONTH!
More about international postage–delivery time, faster delivery, cost, etc.–is here.
If possible, please provide a telephone number if you think there might be a delivery problem.
A Note About Payment
Embedded PayPal buttons for customer convenience and security have worked well and automatically convert currencies. When you click on a button, you go to a secure PayPal page. Even if you do not have a PayPal account, you can still just use a credit card. All proceeds go directly to the non-profit, education organization, the Physics Factory.
If you send in a check, please make it out to Physics Factory. Feel free to contact me, Slater, with any questions.
Note: I heard from some people who said that a minimum of 40 gliders is too many, so I switched to 30 gliders standard. However, if you need a few more just contact me and I can provide whatever number you want, prorated at 70 cents per additional glider. I can send a PayPal invoice for the correct amount.
I think that the Jagwing walkalong glider is the best to start with for most people. Although Jagwings are not the most efficient glider, they are very flight stable and they are still efficient enough that I can fly them hands-only. This YouTube video has a few rough editing patches, but is still the best for getting you started surfing walkalong gliders on a wave of air and understanding the science.
Glider size is about 4" X 8" (about 10cm x 20cm) and 0.8mm thick. The foam is thin to be lightweight enough to fly amazingly slowly, so it has to be handled carefully. You should be aware of the sensation of feeling in your hands whenever handling the gliders.
When you are teaching other people to fly is not the time to be figuring it out yourself. Practice ahead of time!
Discounts: I do not discount for quantity. However, I am aware that many hands-on science education programs are gallingly underfunded. Indeed, sometimes leaders are paying for supplies out of their own pocket. I don’t have an application form, but if you contact me and briefly explain your circumstances, I’ll see what I can do.
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